Little Grey is traumatised and in poor health!
2,160 kg
Dry food offered
2,160 kg
Dry food necessary
"Our association provides help for the pets of homeless people. We organise walks every Wednesday and Sunday of the year in the streets of Bordeaux and surrounding areas, to distribute food, care, blankets etc... for the dogs who need it. With the current situation, and the difficulties that are accumulating for everyone, the needs are increasing, we help all the dogs in the city centre, but also groups of dogs in the surrounding squats.
The situation is very complicated, if we don't come by to bring kibble, the owners can't buy it on their own. Without us, homeless people end up sharing their own meals with their dogs in order to feed them, because they have no other solution, and neither the owner nor the animal gets enough to eat.
At the moment, we don't even have 200 kg of kibble left, even if we ration the portions, it's going to be difficult to finish the month of May in these conditions. We have tried everything, we have waited as long as we could, but we no longer have a choice, without this campaign I don't know how we will continue.
"The help we provide across town keeps increasing, as the number of homeless people continues to rise, and so does the number of animals.
The problem is that with the lockdowns, restrictions etc., everything has been piling up, shops have first reopened and then everything has been closing down in waves. This means that homeless people can't beg anymore, they are in an even more precarious situation than before.
It's impossible for them to buy kibbles by themselves, that remains our main need to be able to help them."
"Billy is a large 12 year old dog, who suffers from an inoperable tumour on his paw. Since he was a puppy, his owner Arnaud has been taking care of him. He cares so much for his dog, in fact, he even used to prepare meals for him.
They are both living on the streets, and Billy is of a certain age: between these circumstances and his tumour, he absolutely needs an adapted diet, he must be able to continue to eat kibble."
"We used to be able to go in front of pet shops to collect donations for the animals, or directly to the reception desk. But it's been impossible for months and months, shops are going to reopen and we can't wait to start collecting again, but it's not going to happen straight away. Some shops agree to collect without our presence to avoid any contact, but there are fewer people and it's complicated to convince them in these conditions.
We sometimes receive donations from veterinary clinics, but it's totally random, for example, they haven't called us for two months. And even when we do get some, it's about 20 or 30 kg maximum, out-of-date stocks that can no longer be sold.
Beyond that, we accumulate debts with the vets because the costs of caring for these dogs are multiple, we just don't have enough resources to buy kibble."
"I founded the association in 2018 because I myself spent several years on the streets, during which I could always count on the presence and affection of my two dogs, Mango and Nell. The complexity of feeding and caring for them was constant. When I found a job and accommodation, it was unthinkable for me not to support people in this situation and their pets.
Sometimes you wonder if there will be an end, if one day there will be no one left outside. Sometimes I feel like we'll never make it. We are all in that case, the important thing is to stick together whenever we feel discouraged. We're a good team of volunteers, we keep up, we won't give up.
I am a fervent lover of the animal cause, I make myself available very often for the people we help, I can't let the dogs starve."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in France, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"We are struggling, we are trying to get subsidies but it's impossible. We're currently waiting for the town hall to get back to us, but honestly we think it's a dead end.
The good news is that we are going to get help from vets who will come and work with us, they can't work on the street but they can give advice, and we are also looking into the possibility of having veterinary duty period.
As for the kibble, however, we have no prospects, as long as the situation is not fully restored for shops and especially pet shops as before, it will remain complicated."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the collected products, the beneficiary does not receive anything and the buyers are reimbursed.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Frédéric, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help the dogs supported by Frédéric, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you would like to participate in the help organised by the association, or if you would like to send kibbles or a cheque directly, please contact Frédéric via the association's Facebook page (note: you are entirely responsible for any direct aid).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |