Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/07/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Pearl

Pearl will need energy to nurse her babies!
photo association
Canned food for Pearl
Pearl will need energy to nurse her babies!

256 cans

256 cans

Pearl will need energy to nurse her babies!

1. Nursing her kittens takes all her strength...

Pearl is a two-year-old cat, that we found outside with her one-week-old kittens.

Now they are one and a half months old, and Pearl is nursing them. But it takes too much energy... She'll need help to hold on until they are weaned!

2. With canned food she would get her strength back

To be in shape and produce enough milk for her three kittens, Pearl would need canned food. Such food would give her all the energy she needs!

3. Our stocks are at their lowest!

We take in mostly cats, sometimes dogs and farm animals in need. We were able to do an in-store donation collection recently, but it wasn't enough to replenish our food stocks...

Association L'arche Querrienoise
29310 Querrien
FR France

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