Fever, cough, blocked nose: little Hope was found suffering from a severe case of cat flu!
256 cans
256 cans
Tommy, a cat of about seven years old, was taken in by us last year following a report. His teeth were severely damaged and he had multiple tumours in his mouth. As he could no longer eat, he was in an emaciated state!
The vet had to extract all of his teeth and operate on his tumours. He is now completely unable to chew.
Canned cat food could provide Tommy with an easily ingested source of nutrition, despite his lack of teeth. Rich in essential nutrients, such a diet could help him regain his general health and stabilise his condition.
Our association, active since January 2020, quickly found itself responsible for the care of over a hundred cats, with no financial support. A large proportion of my salary is invested in animal welfare!
We also organise food drives in an attempt to fulfil the needs of the cats. Most of them are unadoptable and require care, implying additional expenses...