Swollen mouth, excessive drooling, difficulty eating: Pipirou has a severe case of calicivirus!
200 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
Kamalia is a 10-year-old mare, her mother died during childbirth. The firefighters contacted us so that we could take care of her. Deprived of her mother's milk, Kamalia didn't grow normally and she is the size of a filly.
To regain her health and then maintain it, Kamalia will need to have an additional food supplement. Pellets would be perfect for her. They would provide her with an important source of vitamins and minerals, helping her get through the winter as safely as possible.
We are experiencing significant financial difficulties since the recent loss of two sponsorships, as many donors no longer have the means to help us.
We are planning to organise new collections in supermarkets and try to raise more awareness for our cause by communicating in the press. But the current economic climate is not conducive to donations…